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Posted: Mon May 27, 2019 4:41 am
by Violet
The WIP Bosmeris vocabulary so far:
Thar (Tharri) - Forest
Edhel (Edhelli) - Sky
Bruch (Bruchei) - River
Wing (Wingi) - Wind
Gren (Grenthi) - Oak
Vylch (Vylche) - Hollow
Calo (Calloi) - Fern
Bar (Barri) - Guard, Guardian
Val- (Vale-) - Towering, Imposing, Intimidating (when used as a standalone word, the form "Vah" is typically used)
Kyl (Kylthi) - Tree Trunk
Vrayth (Vray) - Slow, Steady
Den (Denthi) - Speaking (particularly without proper consideration)
Elis (Elisi/Elissi) - Pine
And (Andri) - Moss (only singular in compound words when preceeding vowel sounds)
Layn (Layni) - Spring
Liil (Lilthi) - Shade, Shady
Fir (Firei) - Ivy
Tya (Tyai) - Blue
Jal (Jalthi) - Willow
Varan (Varani) - Red
Kahn (Kahni) - Toll (debt)
Ben/Baen (Benthi/Baeni) - Big, Large (the "Baen" form being used to stress the size)
Has-/Haset (Hasi-/Hasetti) - Bone ("Has-" being a shortened version used exclusively in compound words and contractions, "Haset" being the proper whole word form that rarely has seen use in compound words over the millenia)
Hyarna (Hyarnai) - Marsh (loan word from Aldmeris)
Erma (Ermai) - Shallow
Bruk (Brukei) - Brook, small river (loan word from Aldmeris, not used today. Fallen out of use in the early first era - the only times you'll see this word used is in settlement, tribe, and dungeon names.)
Elneth (Elnethi) - Small, tiny, occasionally used as a term of endearment for children and sprouting trees.
Bruchilth - Brook, small river (the commonly used term for Brook, shortened version of the larger compound word "Bruchelnethi", which translates to "River Small" or "[The] Small River").
Wel - Vale (when used as a suffix in a compound word where the preceeding word part ends with any consonant besides "s", "r", "t", and "ng", the preceeding word part is pluralized - regardless of the position of the preceeding word in the word-chain).
Lor - Lightless, Dark
Lodel (Lodelthi) - Night (a shortening of the compound word "Loredhel" which translates to "Lightless Sky")
[Th]och ([Th]ochi) - Thorn (The "Th" sound is dropped when used after a consonant sound in compound words)
Vull (Vulli)- Lake
Bae (Baethi) - Run
mil (milthi) - Wood (when behind a word part which ends in a vowel, the proceeding word part is pluralized and the first "i" in imil is dropped).
Glenh (Glenhi) - Valley, Dale
Elvull (Elvulthi) - Pool (shortening of the compound word "Elnethvull" which translates to "Small Lake")
Thal (Thalli) - Summer
Odos (Odosi) - a word to describe a petal dancing in the spring or summer breeze (often is combined with either "Thal" summer or "Layn" spring to be more precise).
Sair (Sairi) - Flock (as in "a flock of birds")
Gehl (Gehlthi) - Grove
Brachen (Bracheni) - Dragon, Dragon-like
Riaskyl - Steam (literally translates to "Water-Smoke")
Ria - Water ("Rianth" when used as the final word part in a word, derivative of an Aldmeri goddess "Riana", worshiped as a minor goddess of water, rain, and mist by Altmer, Bosmer, and Maormer respectively)
Skyl - Smoke (can also be used as a derogative term - particularly in adjective form. When it is used this way, it refers to evidence of something wrong/dead)
Mord (alt. Morth) - Heath (typically one that has been all but eradicated through natural processes. "Morth" is used more commonly, though its connotation is more scholarly - due to this, it is more often used in geographical and historic contexts. "Mord", on the other hand, tends to have a stronger, emotional connotation and as such is often used in poetry and literature).
Ro - Temple, shrine, particularly when it comes to Y'ffre.
Cerylen - Soil, has the connotation of being sacred or holy.
Cori - Beautiful, wet. Is usually the term used when describing beautiful waters or wetlands.
Vulk - shortening of "Vulkarynor", translates to "foreboding secret". It's used to describe something hidden that you don't wish to discover.
Beltha - Stone, rock, earth
Vorne - Square, a space used for the public
Aes - Safe, feeling of shelter
Ael - Park, recreational space filled with trees
Nylaen - Bloom
Runci(r) - (figurative) Bridge, meeting place, intersection
Syvn - to pull
Leviln - (physical) distance
Syviln - Long, stretched, combination of "syvn" (to pull) and "leviln" (distance).
Colth - territory (particularly where it concerns the territory of a tribe)
Udael - no direct translation, closest is "touched by those unwelcomed by the forest"
Vau - Volcanic
Alith - often used as "wooded", it is used to describe something enclosed by greenery
Linchyl - no direct translation, roughly translates to "center of conflict" or "filled with strife"
Goorich - uneasy shelter, something that provides or seemingly provides untrustworthy protection. Originally borrowed from Imgan, but whose definition bares no resemblance to the Imgan word "Goor" today.
Ceryliss - A reverential place, an area of importance, particularly one of religious importance.
Ven - Tongue
Thuun - (Cold, Dry) Breeze
S[ae]ret - Autumn
Ulen - Winter
Drel - (beautiful) Dance
Ulan - Not directly translatable. Closest meaning would be "withstanding winter" when used as a metaphor. Many novices mistake this to mean such literally and assume it's referring to a winter-hardy plant, but that would instead use the phrase "Bele au Graht Fiulen" or "Grahnth au Bele Fiulen".
Grahnth - Something with a Graht Oak's qualities, but with a very deep emphasis on said comparison compared to normal shared traits, Graht-like to the upmost degree.
Thyan(ri) - Sales, trading, bartering.
Thyand(ri) - Merchant, Salesman (compound of "Thyan" [Sales, trading, etc] and "Andri" [moss]. Comes from an old adage that translates to "for every healthy branch there is moss to weigh it down", or sometimes "the lively tree invites vampiric moss", which is a reference to the Bosmeri outlook on outlander merchants that had moved into Valenwood during the Reman Empire).
Reln(i) - Blood
Vaureln - lava/magma (lit. Volcano-Blood, often shortened to "Vaur" or "Vaurel").
Nevau - Soot, Ash
Nevaulaen - (shortened from Nevaunylaen [Soot-Bloom or Blooming Soot], name of an island)
Luus - Mouth
Oorweyn - (Name of some dude)
Uluuth - Palace, Castle, Capital
Unweh(l) - Sand, Sandy, anything of similar size/texture
Ehm - No territory, off limits, neutral ground

Also inspiration to be taken from this: ... c#Bosmeris

Though keep in mind that any contradictory info in PV's Bosmeris language takes precedent over hrafnirs' Bosmeris language.

Proposed writing system:


Writing system is based primarily on various symbols from sheet music, as a reference to Y'ffre's Bardic nature.