Denymil's Dilemma (Refit)(Critical)[Levanesque][Reviewed]

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Denymil's Dilemma (Refit)(Critical)[Levanesque][Reviewed]

Post by Taniquetil »

Denymil's Dilemma needs an edit pass for style and grammar, as well as to update for lore changes since this quest was made several years ago. This should not be a ton of work, but it's more than just a bugfix.
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Post by FlinSunset »

From the wiki description:

change "treethane" -> "agha" in the dialogue & fimmion's npc name. if term "kingdom" is used it will also need tweaking to just not use that term.

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Post by Taniquetil »

Also please make sure to rewrite the responses to the Srethuun Tribe topic and remove any references to the old Oblivion anvil court advisor and Cyrodiil counties
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Post by Levanesque »

Claiming this

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Post by Taniquetil »

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Post by Levanesque »

Posting first WIP. Lots more to do but its slowly getting there.
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Post by Levanesque »

Second WIP. It's getting there.
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Post by Levanesque »

Third WIP. Cleaned and playtested the quest once and it seems to work. Just need to fix some bugs I found and make some playtest tweaks, then playtest it a bit more.
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Post by Levanesque »

Refitted quest R4R (uses most recent cyr_main and TD [including merged anvil building shells and imga])

  • Quest has been cleaned and validated. The refit required deletion of a lot of old objects (dialogue, scripts, etc.), so the validator complains about them as lacking certain filters and other standards. Anything in the validator that didn't involve a deleted record I tried to address.
  • Updating dependencies/master list in wrye mash will throw an "Unable to Proceed with Your Changes" error. This is again because the file includes deleted objects. See this discussion for reference ( ... 4249235521). Before the file is merged, dependencies can simply be updated by saving the file in CS.
General Changes
  • Rewrote almost every single journal entry and line of dialogue for style and grammar, including fixing typographical errors, removing commas and quotes from script functions, reorganizing topic dialogue, adding hyperlinked topics to journals, writing clearer directions and exposition, updating journals so quest completion ones are 100+, and other standard/quality of life improvements.
  • Made numerous style/grammar edits/additions to dialogue in service refusal tab, greetings, and various topics
  • Fixed/updated existing dialogue filters, both for quest dialogue and generic lore dialogue, including some that broke the flow of the quest
  • Added filters to various dialogue including new/revised journal checks, dead checks, and disposition checks
  • Moved up and rewrote numerous dropped background, my trade, and latest rumor dialogue entries for various NPCs involved in the quest
  • Deleted various old dialogue as part of the moving up/rewriting above
Quest/Journal Changes
  • Replaced the initial quest topic “help a tribeless Bosmer” with just “tribeless Bosmer”, since the former was too clunky to use for linking purposes in journals and greeting
  • Created some new journal entries for directing player to Usia Valeglenh and returning to her her fingerbone amulet
  • Took out a journal entry recording Moredinir’s original denial of having seen Huurvan Srethuun. A journal entry essentially saying “[Lie] I haven’t seen who you’re looking for.” seemed like a waste of journal space.
  • Deleted separate quest branch PC_q2_Anv_04_JournalA with a journal when the player finds Huurvan’s body, and combined its sole journal entry with the main quest PC_q2_Anv_04_Journal. This branch was originally intended to be one of multiple quest branches when the quest was originally conceived, but that never came about.
  • Added ShowMap “Fort Heath” to one of Usia’s dialogue results to help the player find Moredinir’s camp easier
  • Rewrote Usia’s dialogue to give hopefully clearer but shorter directions to Moredinir’s camp (I removed the previous ‘take this road all the way down, when you reach this corner, turn left, then make a u-turn’’ specific-type directions originally in her dialogue, which was way too clunky)
  • Changed the reward Usia gives you for returning her amulet to include bone arrows with the originally given wenbone bow
  • Added [Lie] to certain dialogue choices when you tell Fimmion one of multiple truthful or false ways how Huurvan could have died
  • Disabled Moredinir from her camp (i.e., she runs away) if the player tells FImmion that she was the culprit behind Huurvan’s death (previously Fimmion said Dairhill Thorimill would protect her, but there’s no more Thorimil now)
Script Changes
  • Renamed Fimmion’s ‘treethane’ script as ‘agha’ script to account for lore changes (requiring old script to be deleted and new one created and assigned/saved to Fimmion, so Fimmion’s NPC object was edited)
  • Reworked and fixed all the NPC scripts for Denymil, Fimmion, and Srethuun tribesmer (e.g., replacing unused PC_NoLore with T_Local_NoLore, updated journals, etc.)
  • Reworked and fixed death checks for the above NPCs (e.g., no enabling/disabling when NPC is dead, added mod-dispositions on death checks, scripted death checks so journal updates occur only when Denymil or Fimmion is killed during quest)
  • Fixed an edge case bug in the script where Denymil could be killed after completing the quest, but his doppelganger NPC with Srethuun tribe last name would still appear in the tenements - [no resurrection allowed sorry])
  • Rewrote and simplified Huurvan’s local script
  • Moved a Fimmion->ondeath check and aggro from Denymil’s local script and combined it into Fimmion’s script (having two on death checks running in different scripts for the same NPC broke both of them)
  • Added death check to the Srethuun tribe generic NPC script so that Fimmion will attack you if you kill either of his lovers (Nirval and Rithgoth), similar to either of them (and Denymil) will attack you if you kill Fimmion.
Object/Cell Changes
  • Replaced Usia’s amulet with a new one having a different ID, mesh, and texture (the original amulet used a placeholder Ayleid mesh/texture that was intended to be replaced with a Bosmeri fingerbone mesh/texture, so I deleted and recreated it rather than modified the existing object)
  • Replaced the old Usia amulet with the new amulet in Huurvan’s corpse’s inventory (so Huurvan’s NPC object was edited)
  • Modified Usia’s NPC object to sell potions, since she had a restocking jagga drink that otherwise would never have been sold, and her original my trade dialogue indicated shes supposed to have it
  • Added a couple crates of weapons near Usia’s cart in the Port Quarter cell and assigned their ownership to her to sell (her original my trade dialogue indicated she sells both weapons and fish but there were no weapons in sight, so this fixes that)
  • Reassigned ownership of the bosmeri wenbone bow on Usia’s cart to Usia for same reasons above
  • Reassigned ownership of some misc items on her cart for Usia to sell too (she already was set to sell miscs but didn’t have any to sell, so this fixes that)
Dialogue Changes
  • Added Greeting 1’s to various NPCs involved in the quest to force goodbye the player if Fimmion is killed
  • Moved Nirval’s non-quest Greeting 5 talktopc = 0 dialogue down to Greeting 7 with Fimmion’s
  • Created some new background and my trade entries at least for generic Srethuun tribe NPCs
  • Fixed Usia’s my trade topic to indicate she trades in weapons and “fish”, rather than weapons and “hides”, since she has lots of fish for sale but no hides
  • Fixed Fimmion’s line in Huurvan Srethuun topic to indicate that Huurvan would bring back pelts and “meat” to sell to the merchants, rather than pelts and “ivory”, since I wasn’t sure where Huurvan would get ivory in the Strident Coast
  • Fixed typos in Canal West “Tenaments” (should be tenements)
  • Fixed name typos for Denymiil (his name has two i’s, even though his ID only has one ‘i’).
  • Removed random100 filters from various greetings
  • Changed various references of %PCRace to %PCClass (mostly from personal taste)
  • Removed references to %PCName on initial greetings
Lore changes
  • Replaced dialogue references of treethane with agha, including in Fimmion’s script name
  • Replaced dialogue references of Valenwood’s kingdoms with councils
  • Removed dialogue references to Dairihill Thorimil (old Oblivion anvil court advisor)
  • Replaced dialogue references to Tyavylch clan name (since they were cut from Cyr_Main) with Elayria clan name
  • Replaced passing dialogue reference to Thorimil ruling tribe with Palinis ruling tribe (since one is in Goldstone at least until after a KoA Millona quest) - note: this is just for dialogue mentioning different tribesmer in Anvil, any reference to Thorimil as helping the Srethuun tribe has been cut
  • Removed dialogue references to PC counts and counties, and updated old anvil names referenced in dialogue such as Canal District with Little Arenthia
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Post by Taniquetil »

Merged into Cyr_Main
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