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Old Wizard NPC+Quest [Tristior]

Posted: Wed May 15, 2019 9:27 pm
by Rakanishu
Load the following and save as a new esp:
- Latest Sky_Main
- Latest DS Section File (not active!)

Don't rename the cell, but feel free to suggest a name.


Sky_iRe_DH35 is a long-forgotten Direnni Watchtower inhabited by a single wizard:
Roerich and I (Scamp) have been discussing this tower back in the day, the basic idea was to make this the permanent residence of an old, rogue-like wizard, similar to Baladas Demnevanni in Arvs-Drelen.

He shouldn't be hostile initially - I'd rather like to see this as a part of a significant quest or questline, being the main reason why players would travel to the top of the mesa. I imagine he'd be interested in Direnni artifacts, sort-of analogue to Divayth Fyr, and it might be necessary to impress him by bringing a unique piece from Anga Tor Angturiel as a gift to make him talkative.
This claim is for the NPC, his dialogue, and the simple fetch quest. Please post your WIP dialogue below or upload it into a shareable doc. Don't include any filters for your dialogue based on quest items - that can be done later.

Re: Old Wizard NPC+Quest [Unclaimed]

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 8:17 am
by Violet
I would like to claim this once my Indal-ruhn dialogue claim is (finally) finished. What should the unique piece be? Or should I make a unique item myself for the quest (I was thinking something the player might want too, like a unique weapon or helmet or something), as to give players the urge to take it for themselves via not returning and/or killing the wizard upon return.

Re: Old Wizard NPC+Quest [Violet]

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 2:41 pm
by Rakanishu
Almost forgot: Please use the ID prefix "Sky_qRe_DH01_"

Re: Old Wizard NPC+Quest [Violet]

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 7:21 pm
by Violet
Revoke meh. Reasoning stated in Discord chat.

Re: Old Wizard NPC+Quest [Unclaimed]

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 4:33 pm
by Rakanishu
Revoked. Thanks for the update.

Re: Old Wizard NPC+Quest [Unclaimed]

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 1:55 pm
by Tristior
I'd like to yoink this boi.

Re: Old Wizard NPC+Quest [Tristior]

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 3:19 pm
by Rakanishu

Re: Old Wizard NPC+Quest [Tristior]

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 5:14 pm
by Rakanishu
Note to merger: The int is called "Celera" (according to latest SHOTN claim map) and will be renamed after merging this quest.

Re: Old Wizard NPC+Quest [Tristior]

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 2:18 pm
by Tristior
An Unreasonable Request (Sky_qRe_DH01)
Kjalmar the Unreasonable is a Nord wizard hanging out in the Direnni ruins near Angturiel. He’s an eccentric old coot (speaks like MK) and will eventually ask the player to retrieve something interesting from Angturiel.
  1. seek out the Very Wise Frog, which-- oh, you. Bold as ever, same as you were before. Set your course east and up, little one, before the world’s under-face looks at you cockeyed. Go on! Set your mind prattling farwards from me.
  2. Again! It seems you are as violence, little %PCRace, for you stand here inescapable. Maybe I should acquaint you, hm? Would that stumpy milk-finger you waddle upon be satisfied then? Or perhaps I should set you to something more useful. Which is it?
    [Uh…] [Well…]
    Good. Turn yourself open, then, and let a death-door find you. Or an elf-house. Bring me something useful.
  3. What? Is there something useful upon your person?
Something useful
  1. Angturiel. Scamper there walkwise and bring me… a console. Should be one there -- there was on previous examination, and it’s too heavy to move. Bring me that, like a good little conjurer.
  2. (have not found the console item) You travel unburdened for an obedient slave. Is that my console?
  3. [Yes] I see… Perish.
    [goodbye] (hostile)
  4. [No] O timely spendthift, I delight. Never do that again. (timewaster +1)
    (have found the console item) Aha! Scuttling mindfolds appreciate you initiative, little-- Ah, I am done with that nonsense. Thank you, %PCRace. Now that you’ve proved your utility, is there enlightenment I can offer you?
  5. [No] (timewaster = 1) O timely spendthift, I delight. Never do that again. (timewaster +1)
  6. [No] (timewaster = 2) I see… Perish.
    [goodbye] (hostile)

  1. Well I’m very clever, you see, so ask away if you seek knowledge. What do you want to know? (examples)
  2. Cleverness comes from a paucity of idleness. Be quick.

Re: Old Wizard NPC+Quest [Tristior]

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 1:09 pm
by Tristior
Finally, finished and ready for review.

I think that Kjalmar should offer lore topics or information for another quest as a reward, but for now he gives money and an interesting book.

Re: Old Wizard NPC+Quest [Tristior]

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 5:27 pm
by Iskuss1418
This isn't a review, and I'm not a reviewer, but I noticed you can keep saying "No" when asked if you have the Magus Console and he says if you tease him like that again he will kill you, but there is no disposition change and no limit to the amount of times you can say "No" while not having the Console. If you do have the Console and tell him "No" more than once, he will tell you "You will perish", but he doesn't start combat and just says, "Yes, %PCRace" if talked to again. In both cases, his disposition stays the same, and it never goes up or down in the quest, no matter what choices you make.

Re: Old Wizard NPC+Quest [Tristior]

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 2:06 am
by Tristior
Huh, cheers. I'll check that out.

Re: Old Wizard NPC+Quest [Tristior]

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 1:11 am
by Tristior
Easy fix. Thanks for that.

Re: Old Wizard NPC+Quest [Tristior]

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2020 3:10 pm
by Rakanishu

Re: Old Wizard NPC+Quest [Tristior]

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 12:33 pm
by Tristior
Added new dialogue and accounted for the disc's appearance.

Re: Old Wizard NPC+Quest [Tristior]

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 10:36 pm
by Rakanishu
Merged into DS Sectionfile

- Added a Greeting 1 entry that aggroes Kjalmar again if at state 40
- Added a fail state if you kill Kjalmar after getting the disc and before giving it to him
- Changed the first two journal entries to be "Finished" and "Restart" respectively
- Renamed the console and its script to Sky_Console_Angturiel since they'll likely be used for something in the future, possibly a temporary buff or some kind of fast travel
- Renamed script Sky_qRe_DH01_sc_Kjalmar to Sky_qRe_DH01_Kjalmar_sc