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Roles in Bosmeri Society

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2019 3:13 am
by Violet
Kings and Queens
The Treethanes of Treethanes. Kings and Queens are the head of state within the various Bosmeri Kingdoms. Their role in Bosmeri society is to maintain order and trade within their respective Kingdoms. Imposing the laws of High King Camoran onto the lesser kingdoms' citizens. While the political structure within Valenwood may sound somewhat rigid, the kingdoms themselves enjoy a decent level of autonomy, no doubt in part due to Tiber Septim's will upon his conquering of the Aldmeri Dominion. The power dynamic between the Kingdom of Falinesti, seat of King Camoran, and the rest of the kingdoms have shifted back and forth between the history of Valenwood. Before King Eplear Camoran united the tribes of Valenwood, there was only King Arenth Thorimil of Arenthia and various petty tribal territories. During the second empire, several of those territories had grown into kingdoms in their own right, due to both the strong but waning grip of the second empire, as well as the natural inclination of the wood elven people.

The title of Kingship is that of the ruling Treethane of the region. The Treethane that has consolidated power over the lesser tribes. Because of this status, all tribesmer of the King or Queen is considered a noble within Bosmeri society, and many of these tribesmer have served as the ambassadors, advisers, and local lords to the lesser tribes.
Treethanes and Tribes
The relationship between Treethane and Tribe is as complex as the individual Treethane believes it should be in my travels; The Tribe - a collection of Bosmer, typically made up of multiple families into a singular societal unit - chooses their Treethane by vote, though often one of the children or a trusted adviser of the treethane is chosen. Treethanes can choose their successor if they wish, though that decision is not so much a decision as a suggestion that can be very easily ignored by the tribe. However, in most cases the treethane's chosen heir is given the title, as the treethane's judgement is very rarely looked down upon by their tribe. A Treethane operates as the chief administrator, official, lord, and judge of all things relating to their tribe. Depending on the tribe, a treethane may assign other tribe members to act in their stead in one or all manner of their tribe's governmental duties, though it is impossible to list every tribe and every treethane's surrogate administrators for every aspect of their small pocket of the greater Bosmeri society. One important aspect of a Treethane's job is to sign off on and officiate a wedding ceremony, when members of separate tribes choose to marry, it is both up to the couple and the treethane to determine which tribe, if any, the couple will belong to. This arrangement is typically decided on by the couple who then get their respective treethanes' approval, which often involves all 4 parties meeting.

It is not uncommon for multiple tribes to live in the same settlement, or members of one tribe to live in another tribe's settlement, though this tends to happen more often in cities than in villages. In these cases, the larger and/or more powerful tribe's treethane is the one in charge, with the treethane of the other tribe(s) acting as advisors. Because of this potentially hazardous relationship, most tribes will prefer to keep to their own settlements, or in large cities where the space and political clout is plentiful, when possible. A major aspect of a Treethane's duties is to negotiate with the royal tribe's representative, this representative is usually a tribesmer from the tribe of the local King who owns their territory. A Treethane must take advisement from this representative, and can negotiate with them in all matters involving the local politics of the treethane's purview. This adviser is as much responsible for maintaining the King or Queen's rule over the local tribe(s) as they are for speaking on the local tribe(s) behalf. A Treethane may request an audience with the King or Queen themselves, but without the representative's help this audience can be as easy or difficult to gain as the King or Queen feels.

The Root-Speakers, along with Wood-Wizards are a fundamental part of the Valenwood architectural design. They have meditated amongst the Green for years, sometimes decades, to become one with the Roots of the Forest, to sing and comprehend the Timber's Song. As such, these Root-Speakers have learned to speak to the plants. To listen to their wants and desires, and in return, they are capable of convincing willing plants to bend their growths into specific shapes and sizes. Of course, they can not force them to do so, nor can they make the Green grow swiftly. However, it's the Root-Speakers who are the great architects of the Forest, it is by their design that our beautiful homes form the way they do. And if one commits a criminal offense against a defenseless plant, it is they who are the delegates for the victim.
Wood-Wizards are the second fundamental aspect of our great architecture, for it is they who fulfill the design set forth by the Green and by the Root-Speakers. Wood-Wizards are accomplished Bosmeri mages specializing in the magicks of their homeland. They have been known to be great healers and protectors of the both Y'ffre's garden and to its inhabitants. Many study in a variety of magical subjects, with the exception being the magical conjuration of destructive fire - for reasons I shouldn't need to spell out in this summary. Unfortunately, the once great college of Wood-Wizardy was lost to us recently along with a sizable portion of Woodhearth. As such, today's aspiring Wood-Wizards must typically apply for an apprenticeship and hope there's one in the area willing to take him or her on. The greatest asset of a Wood-Wizard's arsenal, one that separates them from the common Imperialized mages of the Mages Guild, is their ability to use their magicks to manipulate a plant's growth cycle, as well as the ability to tweak a plant's inner make up such as making a green leaf blue, or sewing a broken branch back together. These magicks, in tandem with a Root-Speakers architectural design and room-warming smile, is the foundation of which a Treethane's court is gathered.
The Arel'deyns, roughly translated to "Royal Oak-Swords", are what can only be roughly described as Druid-Rangers or Assassin-Bards. They are an elite group of nightblades serving as guards to the Sylvan Throne - the throne at which King Elisgorn Camoran currently sits at the top of Falinesti. Founded during the Interregnum, they were to be a safe guard for not only the Camoran Dynasty, but the whole of Valenwood, but like many things, the infighting of the Kingdoms and the lack of resources made this effort futile. By the Anaxemus succession, only a handful of Arel'deyni remained; After most were absorbed by the Aldmeri Dominion's legions - or executed for betraying it - the Arel'deyni were no more. It wasn't until after the conquest of Tiber Septim's Empire that The Silvenar had advised Camoran Cylsa to reignite the dead order, as the threat of Tiber's wrath loomed over the Bosmeri people of the time. Unlike traditional guards you might come to expect, the Arel'deyns lurk far outside the commoner's view, using rudimentary Wood-Magicks to envelop themselves in a shroud of canopy. While you may not notice their presence, they notice yours, and there are many a tale of would-be assassins stricken down before they draw their swords. The Arel'deyn's weapon of choice is a rather peculiar variant of bone dart, these darts are whittled hollow, with sunken holes along the sides as to resemble a sharpened flute. This carving practice is to pay veneration to the Forest God Y'ffre, at the request of The Silvenar, so that the deaths of the would-be antagonists to the Camoran Dynasty are made with beautiful noise.
Y'ffrei Priests

Helbaethi, the Sky-Runners (shortened from Edhel-Baethi - Sky-Run)
These are the famed Hypogriff riders of Valenwood. These Bosmer have tamed and bred Hypogriffs for thousands of years. Originally a fighting force of air-born bowmen founded sometime in the late first era, and taken great advantage of during the time of the Dominion, they now offer caravan services to all major cities of Valenwood - including the walking city of Falinesti, of which caravans must instead opt to travel to one of the base sites such as Virimoor and Alithim, before the season has ended. More popular among nobles and tourists, they do not make for particularly useful caravanners, as the carry capacity for a mounted Hypogriff isn't suitable to carry several riders or moderate shipments. Still, though, couriers and travelers alike can take great advantage of caravanning through the skies of the Camoran Empire. However, as this is considered a prized method of travel, free from the brigands, monsters, and faerie disruptions of traveling through the ill-maintained imperial highways within Valenwood's jungles, only those with considerable standing and repute are offered a chance to experience the Helbaethi travel system.