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Colovian Highlands exterior claim map

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 7:59 pm
by chef

From Infragris on discord: "Thyra is a quarry town, a kind of personal enterprise by the Emperor to top off the treasury a bit. It's run by a Curia delegate. Nearby nobles are pissed off about this because they aren't allowed to exploit the Reserve, even though it used to be part of their demesnes before the Emperor claimed it. Mhorlagrad is a weird case as a military settlement: fort Ontus is basically bigger than the town. Not sure how it works, but we can figure that out later I guess. ... I'm thinking GC set for Thyra"

Re: Colovian Highlands exterior claim map and planning.

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 7:51 pm
by Infragris
"When the Emperor claimed it" refers to Emperor Pelagius or something, btw. It's old history, and the region of the Imperial Reserve is dotted with the remnants of abandoned mines and small forts once used to fend off the Redguards. The local nobles are just holding on to a centuries-old grudge.